Super Alexa Boosteris here to help you with one of the biggest asset and that’s traffic!
The Super Alexa Booster software will boost your Alexa rankings but it will also help increase your Google listings as well!
When Google indexes your site, it will see in your log that you are receiving loads of hits thus giving your site more listing results simply because the Googlebot thinks your site must be relevant so it increase your results! To sum it up the Super Alexa Booster will help increase your online business!
Tutorial Video
Download Super alexa Bosster v1.10
Play Videos Inside Corrupt Rar Files Without Extracting & Codecs
Ever faced a situation where you download a movie in split rar archives and a part is corrupted resulting in non-playable movie, here's a solution a smart piece of software named "Dziobas Rar Player Portable" lets you play most common video files like AVI, MPGE, RMVB, OGG, MP3, RAR, MKV, MKA inside rar archives without extracting or installing codecs.
Dziobas Rar Player can also be used to check video quality and preview video files before downloading all the parts, the software is based on MPlayer, the popular GPL player.
Dziobas Rar Player can also be used to check video quality and preview video files before downloading all the parts, the software is based on MPlayer, the popular GPL player.
Get Adobe Photoshop CS5 Amazing Content-Aware Fill Feature Now And That Too For Free
One of the most anticipated feature of upcoming Adobe Photoshop CS5 release is it's content-aware PatchMatch fill feature, however the very same feature is available in free, multi-platform, open-source graphic editor GIMP right now via Resynthesizer plugin.
Surprisingly, this free plugin has been available to GIMP users for years which Adobe Photoshop is going to release in it's upcoming major software upgrade.
Surprisingly, this free plugin has been available to GIMP users for years which Adobe Photoshop is going to release in it's upcoming major software upgrade.
Fixing Scratched CD's And DVD's
Data corruption on optical media is a common problem due to physical damage to the media like scratches, surprisingly data can still be recovered from non-readable scratched sectors on CD and DVD's using the following method.
A CD/DVD reader uses a laser beam to read the data on the disk. This laser beam crosses the protective plastic layer and reads the real recording metal layer. If the protective plastic layer is scratched, the laser will be unable to pass resulting in non-readable disc.
If somehow we manage to re-smooth this protective layer then the laser will reach the data and read it, now there are many ways we can achieve this using common household items as written below:
1). Toothpaste - Yups! toothpaste, you can use any non-gel based toothpaste for this, just put a very small amount of it on the scratched area and polish it gently using a cotton swab, sometimes the paste may cause new minor scratches but they are just superficial. Now just wash the cd using water.
2). If the above trick does not work try some metal polish like Brasso gently wiping with a soft cotton ball followed by application of Vaseline.
3). Baking Soda - make a small quantity of baking soda paste and apply using a soft cotton cloth buffing the bad scratch. Clean the baking soda before using the disc.
4). You can also try using some oil as a polishing agent this also works many times.
There could be many more daily use products which can be used to fix scratched CD/DVD media and get them working, just keep on experimenting.

If somehow we manage to re-smooth this protective layer then the laser will reach the data and read it, now there are many ways we can achieve this using common household items as written below:
1). Toothpaste - Yups! toothpaste, you can use any non-gel based toothpaste for this, just put a very small amount of it on the scratched area and polish it gently using a cotton swab, sometimes the paste may cause new minor scratches but they are just superficial. Now just wash the cd using water.
2). If the above trick does not work try some metal polish like Brasso gently wiping with a soft cotton ball followed by application of Vaseline.
3). Baking Soda - make a small quantity of baking soda paste and apply using a soft cotton cloth buffing the bad scratch. Clean the baking soda before using the disc.
4). You can also try using some oil as a polishing agent this also works many times.
There could be many more daily use products which can be used to fix scratched CD/DVD media and get them working, just keep on experimenting.
Accelerate Video Loading for site Youtube & Metacafe
Speedbit - the makers of popular software "Download Accelerator Plus (DAP)" have came up with an interesting free software to speedup video loading of 60+ popular video websites like YouTube & MetaCafe, The new offering named SpeedBit Video Accelerator makes your videos stream faster and play smoother by reducing buffering problems and video interruptions or "hiccups".
The software assigns a proxy to your web browser and all connections to the video are routed through SpeedBit servers, utilizing multiple connections resulting in videos without breaks and pauses.
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The software assigns a proxy to your web browser and all connections to the video are routed through SpeedBit servers, utilizing multiple connections resulting in videos without breaks and pauses.
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Unlimited Free Licenses Of EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Worth $69.95
EASEUS is a well-known brand specializing in easy to use data-recovery and backup software development, few days ago they did an exclusive promo with our blog giving away unlimited free licenses of Partition Table Doctor utility to our readers - now we have another promotional giveaway of unlimited free licenses of EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard V 5.0.1 worth $69.95 for our blog readers.
The newest version EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard V 5.0.1 supports advanced data recovery from Hard-disks, RAID's, USB drives, memory cards etc. allowing users to get back their deleted files or lost data due to partition loss or damage done because of software crash, virus infection, unexpected shutdown or any other unknown reasons.
EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard V 5.0.1 Features :
# Recover deleted or lost files emptied from the Recycle Bin.
# File recovery after accidental format, even if you have reinstalled Windows.
# Disk recovery after a hard disk crash.
# Get back files after a partitioning error.
# Get data back from RAW hard drives.
# Recover office document, photo, image, video, music, email, etc.
# Recover from hard drive, USB drive, memory card, memory stick, camera card, Zip, floppy disk or other storage media.
# Support FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS/NTFS5 file systems.
# New! Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Windows 7.
# Bootable media based on WinPE.
# High quality of file recovery.
You can download the fully functional retail version (does not require registration) legally from the link provided below (we were asked not to link directly to avoid server load so it's uploaded on Rapidshare), as the previous giveaway we are not limiting the downloads or asking you to do anything to get it but if you are downloading please do leave a comment thanking EASEUS for the giveaway once again.
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GooglePasswordDecryptor - Reveal Saved Passwords From Google Talk, Picassa, Desktop Search, Gmail Notifier, IE And Chrome
Revealing saved passwords behind asterisks from Web-browsers requires use of a simple javascript bookmarklet, but if you happen to have saved account passwords inside desktop software like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Google Talk, Picassa, Google Desktop Search or Gmail Notifier you can now retrieve the saved username/password combination in a single-click using free GooglePasswordDecryptor utility.
Security expert Nagareshwar Talekar's created this awesome utility which takes care of decrypting stored passwords from private encrypted store of these applications allowing users to retrieve saved passwords from multiple accounts with a single-click.
Once retrieved users can export the recovered passwords to HTML or TEXT format for future use, the utility is compatible with Windows XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7
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Security expert Nagareshwar Talekar's created this awesome utility which takes care of decrypting stored passwords from private encrypted store of these applications allowing users to retrieve saved passwords from multiple accounts with a single-click.
Once retrieved users can export the recovered passwords to HTML or TEXT format for future use, the utility is compatible with Windows XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7
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Tera Copy Pro
TeraCopy is a must-have free replacement for default Windows copy/move operations, providing a much easier and faster way to copy/move files with advanced features not provided by Windows.
Major advantages of using TeraCopy:
Download Tera Copy
Major advantages of using TeraCopy:
- Copy files faster using dynamically adjusted buffers reducing overall seek times.
- Using TeraCopy you can simply pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and Resume with a single click.
- In case of a copy error, Unlike Windows TeraCopy will try several times and if not successful just skips the file without terminating the entire transfer.
- Convenient Windows Explorer integration offering easy access to last used copy/move destinations for faster copying.
Download Tera Copy
Mendapatkan Dolar dari MyEasyTask

Saat ini saya membagikan satu program penghasil dolar lagi yang cukup mudah anda lakukan yaitu MyEasyTask. MyEasyTask adalah sebuah program mencari uang di internet dengan cara mengerjakan beberapa task atau job yang sangat mudah dilakukan. 1 job yang anda selesaikan bernilai antara $0,1 sampai $0,4. Kabat gembiranya adalah ada ratusan task yang bisa anda lakukan setiap hari. Bayangkan berapa dolar yang bisa anda dapatkan. Dalam sehari anda bisa memperoleh $5 hingga $10 bahkan lebih.
TIPS PENTING : Setelah terdaftar, segera selesaikan semua task / job yang available dalam 1 hari, anda sudah bisa memperoleh 10 – 15 dolar dalam 1 hari…. Account balance anda akan masuk setelah task anda di review dan dinyatakan sah..Setelah itu, segera lakukan payout dan dolar akan dikirim tiap tanggal 15 bulan berikutnya
. Ok??
Berikut ini langkah – langkah yang perlu anda lakukan untuk memperoleh ratusan dolar dari MyEasyTask :
2. Klik Sign Up
3. Masukkan alamat email anda dan klik submit
Masukkan alamat email anda
4. Anda memperoleh sebuah email dari myeasytask, klik link yang ada di email tersebut
Klik Link Di Email Anda
5. Silahkan mendaftar dan isikan data yang diperlukan
6. Setelah terdaftar, anda akan memperoleh email bahwa anda sudah terdaftar
Anda Sudah Terdaftar
7. Setelah itu silahkan Login ke easytask
8. Anda sudah bisa memulai mencari dolar dengan mudah, klik available task
Klik Available Task
9. akan muncul ratusan job – job yang masing – masing job bisa anda selesaikan kurang dari 5 menit dan anda akan dibayar $0,1 hingga $0,4 per job.
Pilih job yang ingin anda kerjakan
10. Jika dolar anda sudah terkumpul minimal $10, anda bisa melakukan payout dengan klik Request Payout.
Request Payout Anda setelah Minimal $10
Jika anda menyelesaikan job – job ini sampai tuntas setiap harinya..dalam waktu singkat $100 akan anda dapatkan.
Norton AntiVirus 2010 + Resetter
Norton Antivirus 2010 merupakan antivirus yang dapat melindungi anda dari virus, spyware, worm dan dapat mengoptimalkan kinerja PC anda. Norton dapat memulihkan data yang terinfeksi oleh virus.
Norton Antivirus 2010 ini mempunyai fitur Norton Protection System yang melindungi PC anda berlapis-lapis teknologi yang secara proaktif memblokir serangan dan mendeteksi dan menghapus ancaman sebelum mereka dapat merusak PC Anda. sebelum anda mengistal Norton putuskan dahulu koneksi internet anda lalu instal software nya
Jika Norton terinstal dan berakhir, Kemudian jalankan Norton NTR dan pembersihan. Atau instal
yang NTR pada Windows Safe Mode (F8) dengan menggunakan account Administrator.
Install Norton. Jika sudah terinstal dan belum kedaluwarsa, kemudian melompat ke Langkah 3.)
Jika Anda menggunakan versi yang lebih tua dari NTR, lalu uninstall sekarang.
Recycle Bin dari semua yang dikenal Trial Reset oleh BOX sebelum versi ini.
Instal NTR dan ikuti instruksi.
JIKA Anda ingin menghapus penginstalan NTR, cukup klik Uninstall.
Pastikan bahwa anda menghapus NTR sebelum Anda menghapus Norton.
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Download Reseter
Power DVD 9
Power DVD 9 adalah program yang digunakan untuk membuka file-file aplikasi video, terutama untuk file-file DVD namun player ini pun bisa digunakan untuk membuka file-file video lain dengan format seprti .dat .mpg .mov dan lain-lain. Program ini memiliki dukungan yang baik terhadap hardware sehingga banyak orang yang menggunakan software ini
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Downlad patch
Microsoft Office 2010 14.0.4536.1000 Beta / 2007 + patch
Microsoft Office merupaka software yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini, dari office 97 sampai office 2007. Sekarang microsoft mengeluarkan versi office terbarunya Microsoft office 2010 yang mempunyai tampilan yang berbeda dengan versi terdahulunya dan mempunyai tools yang berbeda silahkan download software nya
Download patch
Adobe PhotoShop CS4 Portable
Adobe Photoshop adalah software profesional mengedit gambar-standar Alat kreatif inovatif membantu Anda mencapai hasil yang luar biasa Penggunaannya yang relatif mudah membuat Photoshop digemari banyak orang terutama blogger, fotografer digital dan bahkan perusahaan iklan. Bila ingin download saat ini telah tersedia Adobe Photoshop CS 4 yang tentunya lebih canggih dalam editing gambarnya.
Internet Download manager 5.18 + serial
Comprehensive error recovery dan melanjutkan kemampuan akan restart download rusak atau terputus karena kehilangan koneksi, masalah jaringan, komputer shutdowns, atau listrik padam onmouseout
Antarmuka pengguna grafis sederhana membuat IDM user friendly dan mudah digunakan.
Internet Download Manager memiliki logika yang pintar men-download accelerator yang dinamis cerdas segmentasi file dan multipart aman untuk mempercepat download teknologi download Anda.
Selama proses download Internet Download Manager segmen file yang didownload secara dinamis, tidak seperti download akselerator dan manajer bahwa segmen file sebelum download dimulai Internet Download Manager reuses tersedia koneksi tanpa tambahan menghubungkan dan login tahap-tahap untuk mencapai kinerja percepatan yang lebih baik.
Internet Download Manager mendukung proxy server, ftp dan protokol http, firewalls, redirects, cookies, direktori dengan otorisasi, MP3 audio dan isi video MPEG pengolahan, dan sejumlah besar format daftar direktori.
IDM diintegrasikan dengan Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, dan semua browser populer lainnya untuk secara otomatis menangani download Anda.
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Bad Copy Pro 4.10 + serial
BadCopy Pro adalah salah satu perangkat lunak pemulihan data terkemuka untuk floppy disk, CD, DVD, kartu memori, Zip disk, USB flash drive dan media penyimpanan lainnya.
BadCopy Pro adalah sepenuhnya otomatis dan profesional perbaikan rusak floppy disk, cd-rom atau pemulihan data disk lokal alat bekerja di bawah Windows. Ia dapat menyelamatkan semua jenis file seperti dokumen, gambar, aplikasi dan data lain dari disk rusak, dengan cerdas dan cepat memperbaiki disk dan pemulihan data aritmatika, membantu Anda mendapatkan kembali data yang berharga.
Beberapa Situasi mana BadCopy Pro Can Help
· Rusak floppy disk disket perbaikan dan pemulihan data.
· Yang rusak atau cacat termasuk pemulihan data CD CD-ROM, CD-R dan CD-RW.
· Yang rusak atau cacat pemulihan data DVD termasuk DVD-ROM, DVD + R / W dan DVD-R / W.
· Pemulihan data dapat diakses floppy, CD dan DVD disc.
· Menyelamatkan kehilangan file dari floppy disk, CD dan DVD.
· CD-R / W terbakar masalah dan kehilangan data pemulihan.
Pemulihan file rusak atau tak terbaca.
· Pengambilan data dari semua sesi pada multi-session CD.
· Lost foto pemulihan untuk penyimpanan yang digunakan dalam kamera digital.
· Pemulihan file dihapus pada disket, bahkan disk diformat cepat.
· Data recovery pada UDF dan paket-menulis disk. Mendukung DirectCD dan InCD.
· Pemulihan data Iomega Zip, Jaz, MO disk, dan USB flash drive.
Advanced System Care Pro 3.5 + Serial
Apakah Anda pernah mengalami PC Anda crash dan Anda bahkan tidak tahu mengapa. Setelah berbulan-bulan atau tahun menggunakan PC Anda, mungkin ada banyak perubahan, yang menambah beban ke PC Anda, tetapi tidak pernah bisa dibersihkan. Advanced SystemCare ini adalah untuk membersihkan barang-barang yang tersisa dan bersih craps untuk membuat PC Anda rapi dan bersih.
Registry Perbaikan dan Pembersihan - Registry jika tidak bekerja dengan baik, maka komputer Anda akan banyak masalah.
Ini membersihkan catatan yang tidak perlu dari PC anda membuat PC berjalan cepat dan menghapus masalah.
Ini juga memperbaiki bagian yang hilang dan membuat PC anda menjadi sehat
Apa yang baru dalam versi ini?
+ Ditambahkan tampilan log fungsi;
+ Diperbarui Software Uninstaller ke Advanced Uninstaller;
Sebelum registrasi disconect dulu akses internet anda kemudian registrasi lalu delete file registrasi.exe
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