screenshot :
Vipre Antivirus Premium
Uniblue Power Suite 2010 Full version
Uniblue Power Suite merupakan Software Utilities yg mempunyai banyak tools seperti Registry Booster untuk mengoptimalkan Registry windows, lalu ada SpeedUpMyPC untuk menambah kecepatan PC anda, silahkan download beserta Crack nya
Download | Uniblue Power Suite 2010 ( 18 Mb)
Crack | Registrasi
Aplikasi SMS Gratis
Bagi anda yang suka ber SMS ria mungkin aplikasi ini sangat berguna untuk anda, apalagi kalo tidak ada pulsa, meskipun tarif SMS sekarang semakin murah tetapi Orang lebih suka yang gratisan
saya sudah mencoba sendiri Aplikasi ini anda bisa mengirim SMS ke semua operator GSM maupun CDMA, Untuk CDMA harus Di sertakan kode daerah contoh seperti 022 = untuk daerah bandung
syarat menggunakan Aplikasi ini anda harus terkoneksi dengan Internet
SMS yang di kirimkan sangat cepat terkirim, dan tidak ada batas jumlah SMS yg di kirimkan, silahkan anda ber SMS ria, Aplikasi ini bersifat Freeware dan tidak perlu di instal
Download : SMS Gratis
saya sudah mencoba sendiri Aplikasi ini anda bisa mengirim SMS ke semua operator GSM maupun CDMA, Untuk CDMA harus Di sertakan kode daerah contoh seperti 022 = untuk daerah bandung
syarat menggunakan Aplikasi ini anda harus terkoneksi dengan Internet
SMS yang di kirimkan sangat cepat terkirim, dan tidak ada batas jumlah SMS yg di kirimkan, silahkan anda ber SMS ria, Aplikasi ini bersifat Freeware dan tidak perlu di instal
Download : SMS Gratis
Keygen Smadav 8.2 Pro Gratis
Saya akan memberikan Keygen Smadav 8.2 Pro Gratis untuk anda, Keygen ini digunakan untuk registrasi Smadav 8.2 menjadi Pro, anda juga dapat registrasi dengan nama anda sendiri
Anda tinggal memasukan nama anda kemudian akan muncul kode registrasi nya dan masukan kode tersebut ke smadav, Keygen ini sudah saya tes dan berhasil 100%
Download : Keygen Smadav Pro
Onbux PTC Terbaru
Dari sekian banyak PTC baru yang banyak di internet Onbux merupakan PTC yang dapat dipercaya
Onbux mempunyai tampilan PTC yang sangat baik. meskipun terbilang baru PTC ini mempunyai member yang cukup banyak. Onbux akan memberikan member Pioner hanya untuk 10,000 member pertama yang daftar
Keuntungan member Pioneer anda mendapatkan Renting referal yang lebih murah 0,24/ referal beda 0,01 dengan Standar member, Buruan daftar sebelum kehabisan member Pioneer
- 4 ads/ hari
- 0,01/klik
- 0,005/klik referal
- max 80 direct referal
- max 500 rented referal 0,25/referal
untuk member yang lain bisa di lihat gambar
Onbux ini hampir sama dengan Neobux, kalo onbux yang Pioner renting referal nya lebih murah 0,24/ referal dan bisa memakai Liberty Reserve
yang ingin daftar silahkan klik banner Onbux atau Klik disini
Cara Memasukan Lagu Dan Merubah Wallpaper Dari Pc Ke Hp Esia
Bagi teman-teman yang punya hape Huawei C2801/2601 yang mulai merasa jenuh karena hapenya gitu-gitu aja bunyi ringtonenya dan itu-itu saja wallpappernya, mulai sekarang jangan bersedih hati, karena disini gw akan mencohba untuk membahas bagaimana caranya memoding hape Huawei C2801/2601
2. Pastikan Nomor seri sesuai dengan gambar dibawah ini
3. download software easycdma
2. Setelah proses instalasi selesai barulah kita jalankan program EasyCDMA-nya,setelah masuk EasyCDMA pilih “file/ports config” dan akan muncul tampilan seperti dibawah ini tentukan com-nya berapa, berdasarkan di device manager(prolific usb....) setelah memilih com-nya berapa pilih “ok”
3. Setelah itu EasyCDMA akan mendeteksi hape kita, bila tidak terdeksi pilih refresh sampai muncul tampilan seperti dibawah ini dan pilih “ok”
4. Setelah proses pendeteksian berhasil akan muncul tampilan seperti dibawah ini, artinya EasyCDMA sudah siap untuk me-modding hape anda
5. Pada opsi ini kita akan mengganti ringtone dari hape esia anda,pilih root “brew/shared/alert” tampilan layar sebelah kanan akan terlihat isi ringtone dari hape anda.
Penting untuk diketahui:
Hape esia anda memerlukan format “midi” untuk ringtonenya dan sesuaikan nama ringtonenya berdasarkan nama ringtone dihape anda. Contoh: ringtone yang anda inginkan “my love.mid” ubalah ringtone anda yang berjudul my love tersebut menjadi “ring_1.mid” setelah itu copy file tersebut pada hape anda
6. Setelah selesai mengganti isi ringtone anda, pada opsi ini kita akan mengganti wallpapper pada esia anda. Caranya mudah,sama seperti step5 mengganti isi ringtone. Format yang dibutuhkan untuk wallpappernya adalah “png” dengan ukuran “102x80”
Yang dibutuhkan untuk memoding Huawei C2801/2601 adalah
1. siapkan terlebih dahulu kabelnya (Connectivity Adapter Cable-45)2. Pastikan Nomor seri sesuai dengan gambar dibawah ini
3. download software easycdma
1. install EasyCDMA yang sudah didownload,setelah instal EasyCDMA Colokan kabel datanya pada port usb di komputer,masukan driver kabel datanya dan install. Setelah kabel data terinstall didevice manager akan terdetek sebagai “prilific usb.....”2. Setelah proses instalasi selesai barulah kita jalankan program EasyCDMA-nya,setelah masuk EasyCDMA pilih “file/ports config” dan akan muncul tampilan seperti dibawah ini tentukan com-nya berapa, berdasarkan di device manager(prolific usb....) setelah memilih com-nya berapa pilih “ok”
3. Setelah itu EasyCDMA akan mendeteksi hape kita, bila tidak terdeksi pilih refresh sampai muncul tampilan seperti dibawah ini dan pilih “ok”
4. Setelah proses pendeteksian berhasil akan muncul tampilan seperti dibawah ini, artinya EasyCDMA sudah siap untuk me-modding hape anda
5. Pada opsi ini kita akan mengganti ringtone dari hape esia anda,pilih root “brew/shared/alert” tampilan layar sebelah kanan akan terlihat isi ringtone dari hape anda.
Penting untuk diketahui:
Hape esia anda memerlukan format “midi” untuk ringtonenya dan sesuaikan nama ringtonenya berdasarkan nama ringtone dihape anda. Contoh: ringtone yang anda inginkan “my love.mid” ubalah ringtone anda yang berjudul my love tersebut menjadi “ring_1.mid” setelah itu copy file tersebut pada hape anda
6. Setelah selesai mengganti isi ringtone anda, pada opsi ini kita akan mengganti wallpapper pada esia anda. Caranya mudah,sama seperti step5 mengganti isi ringtone. Format yang dibutuhkan untuk wallpappernya adalah “png” dengan ukuran “102x80”
7. Setelah selesai pilih disconnect dan cabut hape anda dari kabel datanya, sekarang anda sudah bisa pamer esia anda keteman-teman anda. “Selamat Mencoba”
JMGold, Dapatkan uang setiap bulan

Apa itu JMGold ?
JMGold adalah bisnis online gabungan antara PTC ( paid to click ) dan Bisnis Investasi, dimana Anda bisa mendapatkan uang bulanan seumur hidup. Itulah mengapa disebut Pasif Income atau bisa juga dikatakan Lifetime Earning.
Cara kerja JMGold adalah ditekankan pada investasi dengan Gold and Silver Bar (batang emas dan perak). Tapi jangan mengeluh mahal dulu, soalnya Anda tidak perlu membeli Emas atau Perak untuk diinvestasikan (walaupun anda juga bisa membeli, jika punya modal). Cara lainnya, Anda bisa melakukan invest dengan mengumpulkan referral atau mengklik iklan.
Biaya investasi untuk :
* Gold Bar (Batang Emas) = $50
* Silver Bar (Batang Perak) = $25
Anda bisa memperoleh Batang Emas dan Perak dengan cara :
* Membeli melaui Paypal atau AlertPay (jika Anda punya modal)
* Setiap klik 1000 iklan dapat 1 silver bar (rata-rata setiap hari 10 iklan = kira-kira 3.5 bulan)
* Setiap 50 referral dapat 1 silver bar ($25/50 referral = $0.50 per referral)
Jadi Bagaimana cara mendapatkan Pasif Income / Lifetime Earning dari JMGold :
Setelah Anda mempunyai Batang emas / perak, anda bisa mendapatkan pendapatan bulanan 20% dari setiap batang emas atau perak yang anda miliki. Jadi jika anda mempunyai 1 silver bar saja seharga $25, maka setiap bulan anda bisa mendapatkan $5 seumur hidup. Makin banyak gold atau silver bar, makin banyak pula pendapatan Anda tiap bulan.
Kapan saya bisa cashout ?
Setiap bulan tanggal 30, Account anda akan secara otomatis diperbarui / update, menghitung pendapatan bar Anda. Anda dapat cashout kapan pun Anda inginkan, selama Anda telah mencapai minimal $ 5. Regular member mendapatkan pembayaran 7 hari kerja setelah cashout ditempatkan. Honor member mendapatkan pembayaran dalam waktu 24 jam, tidak peduli apakah itu akhir pekan atau liburan.
Dapatkan komisi $ 30/orang di Acme People Search
Sekilas tentang Acme People Search Sebelum memulai saya ingin sedikit kembali mengulas tentang program APS ini, kali saja ada di antara rekan rekan pembaca yang belum sempat membaca 2 ebook tentang APS
Gambar 1: Foto Tissa Godavitarne
Programnya sendiri di didirikan oleh seorang Tissa Godavitarne, salah satu affiliater sukses dari Amerika yang mampu mengantungi lebih dari 2.2 Juta Dollar hanya dari salah satu program affiliasi yang dia ikuti, beliau juga telah mendapatkan sertifikat penghargaan dari Google Adwords sebagai salah satu Advertiser yang telah
mengeluarkan budget lebih dari $ 600.000 USD untuk periklanan di program mereka.
Orangnya sangat terpercaya, beliau seorang netpreneur yang cukup punya nama juga saat ini di Amerika sana, aktif di acara acara seminar, bahkan sebagai member APS pun kita di berikan akses langsung apabila suatu saat di perlukan untuk menghubungi beliau, dari mulai via telephone, support ticket, email, hingga
forum.Jadi kalau untuk urusan kredibilitas, program APS ini cukup bisa di percaya, potensi SCAM (penipuan) tentunya pasti ada untuk semua jenis program bisnis online di internet, namun saya rasa khusus untuk APS ini, potensi ke arah tersebut relatif kecil...
Defrag Hardisk anda dengan O & O Defrag 12 Professional
O & O Defrag 12 Professional adalah sebuah software defrag berbasis Windows yang mampu memaksimalkan kinerja PC anda. Melalui sebuah cara tertentu O & O Defrag 12 Professional ini dapat memaksimalkan defrag hardisk anda sehingga dapat menambah kapasitas hardisk dan mempercepat pembacaan pada hardisk, software ini juga dapat mendefrag hardisk dengan cepat serta mempunyai fitur-fitur yang banyak seperti
- Zone filing for optimal organization of files
- 3 additional defragmentation methods (8 methods in all)
- Improved performance at eliminating high levels of fragmentation
- Background monitoring to ensure your system is constantly kept at its peak
- Screen Saver Mode optimizes your PC whenever it’s not being used
- O&O OneClickDefrag for fully automatic configuration
- Job Assistant for scheduling defragmentation
- Fully compatible with Windows 7,Vista and XP
O &O Defrag 12 Professional kompatibel dengan 32-bit dan 64-bit versi Windows Vista dan Windows XP.
Download O & O Defrag 12 Professional (16 Mb)
Serial Number (1kb)
BitDefender Internet Security 2010 Build + Serial
Maximum Security, Maximum Speed! BitDefender Internet Security 2010 keeps your Internet-connected family safe, without slowing down their PCs. It locks out viruses, hackers & spam, while providing parental control and firewall protection.
BitDefender™ provides security solutions to satisfy the protection requirements of today's computing environment, delivering effective threat management to home and corporate users. BitDefender Internet Security 2010 features antivirus, firewall, antispyware, privacy control and parental control for corporate and home users. It provides comprehensive proactive protection from viruses, hackers, spyware, spam and phishing emails, and it also protects children from inappropriate websites.
Confidently download, share and open files from friends, family, co-workers - and even total strangers
• Protects against viruses and other malware using industry-leading technologyNEW
• Scans all Web, e-mail and instant messaging traffic in real-time
• Provides an unmatched detection rate of new threats based on two different proactive technologies
• Blocks spyware programs that track your online activities
Protect your identity: shop, bank, listen and watch, privately and securely
• Blocks web pages that attempt to steal your credit card data
• Prevents personal information from leaking via e-mail, Web or instant messagingNEW
Guard your files and conversations with top-of-the line encryption
• Instant Messaging Encryption keeps your conversations private on Yahoo! and MSN Messenger
• File Vault securely stores personal information or sensitive files
Connect securely to any network at home, at the office, or away
• The two-way firewall automatically secures your Internet connection wherever you are
• Wi-Fi monitor helps prevent unauthorized access to your Wi-Fi network
Protect your family and their computers
• Parental Control blocks access to inappropriate websites and e-mail
• Limits kids’ access the Internet, games, etc. to specific times
• Makes it easy for you to manage the security of your network from a single location
Play safely, play seamlessly
• Reduces the system load and avoids requesting user interaction during game play
Get fine-tuned performance from your computer
• Optimized scanning technology skips safe files for better scan speed and lower system load
• Antispam stops unwanted e-mail from reaching your Inbox
• Laptop Mode prolongs battery life
Let professionals solve any security issues
• Assistance with common issues built directly into the product
• Free technical support for the entire duration of the product license
New and Improved in BitDefender 2010:
* More Protection! Many of today's stealth viruses are designed to avoid antivirus detection by initially laying dormant only to attack your PC when it is most vulnerable. BitDefender 2010 features a cutting-edge security system, Active Virus Control, which constantly monitors all of the processes on your PC, 24/7, blocking any malicious behavior before it can cause any damage.
* More Speed! The abundance of new viruses calls for faster ways to detect them. BitDefender's Optimized Scanning avoids the scanning of files that are known to be safe. The result? BitDefender 2010 scans your PC in half the time needed by previous versions, while using less resources.
* Easier to Use! Whether you're a security expert or a novice, with the new BitDefenderUser Profiles you can easily manage your PC's security. The product interface adapts to the chosen profile and provides quick access to the main security functionalities you are most likely to need (Parental Controls for parents, or Gamer Mode for gamers).
BitDefender 2010 also features three dashboard views – Novice, Intermediate, and Expert - to better accommodate users with different levels of PC knowledge.
* Improved Parental Control. The Parental Control module features a newly added reporting system allowing parents to view what websites their children visit. Moreover, parents can set specific time intervals in which their children are allowed to access the Internet or use certain applications.
* Improved Intrusion Detection. BitDefender detects and blocks attempts to change critical system files or registry entries on your PC and warns you about attacks performed by code injection (DLL injection).
* Improved In-Product Technical Support. You can get answers to the most common product-related questions or contact technical support directly from the product using its easy-to-use self-service module.
you can download this software full speed with Leech Server
Improve your ranking Website With Alexa Rank Enhancer
RankEnhancer has found a way to help you improve your ranking and placement by using special technology that tricks these systems into thinking 1000s of vistors are already coming to your website. When they crawl your site, and see all this activity, that helps move you up the ladder.
Atomix Virtual DJ v6.0.6 Pro
Atomix VirtualDJ is the MP3 mixing software that targets every DJ from bedroom DJs to professional superstars such as Carl Cox, and is used everyday by millions of DJs, and in many big clubs. It features a breakthrough BeatLock engine that will keep your songs in tune and let you work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ. The automatic seamless loop engine and the new synchronized sampler will let you perform astounding remixes on the fly.
VirtualDJ is compatible with timecoded vinyls that let you scratch your MP3s directly on a real turntable, and with many other DJ equipment.
VirtualDJ will also let you mix and scratch music videos right from your turntables. You can use several interfaces to suit both beginners and professionals, record your mixes and burn them on CD, rip DVD, rip vinyl, create your own Internet radio, automatically mix playlists, use VST effects, display karaoke, and play DRMed file like Yahoo!
The automatic seamless loop engine and the brand new synchronised sampler will let you perform astounding remixes live, with no preparation at all.
The visual representation and the cues allow you to clearly see the song's structure, and never be surprised by a break anymore.
The vinyl controls will let you scratch like on a real turntable, except that with the beatlock engine your scratches will never end out of the beat.
Add to that an infinite number of cue points you can save for each songs, a bunch of wonderful effects automatically beat-synchronised.
Add also several interfaces to suit everybody from the beginner to the professional DJ, the possibility to record your mixes to burn them on CDs, to broadcast on the Internet and have your own radio station, to save your CDs directly in MP3, to use a headphone to preview the songs or an external mixtable to perform in a club.
Lastly, enter the new era of DJs by mixing video clips (DVD, DivX, MPEG...) which you can send on a giant screen.
Virtual DJ brings you all that, in the most easy-to-use way, and at the most affordable price.
VirtualDJ gathers in one only software all the tools you need:
MP3 database, don't carry around heavy record cases anymore
Fully automated mix, when you're busy entertaining the audience
Direct Internet database, satisfy all your clients' requests
Lights control, through DMX interface
Control devices, DAC3, DJConsole, XP10, TCV Records, DVinyl, MIDI, etc
Music Video, Karaoke
VirtualDJ is committed to make your DJ live much easier.
* Breakthrough BeatLock engine: your tracks will always stay on time. Create great mixes faster than ever!
* Automatic seamless loop: perform astounding remixes live with no preparation at all!
* Synchronised sample machine: sample-and-play on the fly, and free your creativity!
* Clear song structure visualization: Never get surprised by a break anymore!
* Video mix: Mix and scratch your music videos in addition to the music!
Vinyl control: Spin your MP3s from a real turntable (and still use loops and beatmatch)!
* DVD Ripping
* Vinyl Ripping
Infinite cue points saved per song, lots of great effects which are beat aware, recording and broadcasting options, and much more...
you can FAST download this software with Leech Server
Remotely control any PC anywhere on the Internet with TeamViewer 5 portable Full version
Desktop sharing has never been easier: With TeamViewer you will be able to connect to the desktop of a partner anywhere on the Internet.
TeamViewer also works in the other direction: Show your own desktop to a partner over the Internet and illustrate your own developed software, presentations or solutions.
Remote Control without Installation
With TeamViewer you can remotely control any PC anywhere on the Internet. No installation is required, just run the application on both sides and connect - even through tight firewalls.
Remote Presentation of Products, Solutions and Services
The second TeamViewer mode allows you to present your desktop to a partner. Show your demos, products and presentations over the Internet within seconds - live from your screen.
Remote Control without Installation:
· With TeamViewer you can remotely control any PC anywhere on the Internet. No installation is required, just run the application on both sides and connect - even through tight firewalls.
Here are some key features of "TeamViewer":
Remote Presentation of Products, Solutions and Services:
· The second TeamViewer mode allows you to present your desktop to a partner. Show your demos, products and presentations over the Internet within seconds - live from your screen.
File Transfer:
· TeamViewer comes with integrated file transfer that allows you to copy files and folders from and to a remote partner - which also works behind firewalls
Works behind Firewalls:
· The major difficulties in using remote control software are firewalls and blocked ports, as well as NAT routing for local IP addresses.
· If you use TeamViewer you don't have to worry about firewalls: TeamViewer will find a route to your partner.
Highest Security Standard:
· TeamViewer is a very secure solution. The commercial TeamViewer versions feature completely secure data channels with key exchange and RC4 session encoding, the same security standard used by https/SSL.
No Installation Required:
· To install TeamViewer no admin rights are required. Just run the software and off you go...
High Performance:
· Optimized for connections over LANs AND the Internet, TeamViewer features automatic bandwidth-based quality selection for optimized use on any connection.
Download TeamViewer
Super Alexa Booster v1.10
Super Alexa Boosteris here to help you with one of the biggest asset and that’s traffic!
The Super Alexa Booster software will boost your Alexa rankings but it will also help increase your Google listings as well!
When Google indexes your site, it will see in your log that you are receiving loads of hits thus giving your site more listing results simply because the Googlebot thinks your site must be relevant so it increase your results! To sum it up the Super Alexa Booster will help increase your online business!
Tutorial Video
Download Super alexa Bosster v1.10
The Super Alexa Booster software will boost your Alexa rankings but it will also help increase your Google listings as well!
When Google indexes your site, it will see in your log that you are receiving loads of hits thus giving your site more listing results simply because the Googlebot thinks your site must be relevant so it increase your results! To sum it up the Super Alexa Booster will help increase your online business!
Tutorial Video
Download Super alexa Bosster v1.10
Play Videos Inside Corrupt Rar Files Without Extracting & Codecs
Ever faced a situation where you download a movie in split rar archives and a part is corrupted resulting in non-playable movie, here's a solution a smart piece of software named "Dziobas Rar Player Portable" lets you play most common video files like AVI, MPGE, RMVB, OGG, MP3, RAR, MKV, MKA inside rar archives without extracting or installing codecs.
Dziobas Rar Player can also be used to check video quality and preview video files before downloading all the parts, the software is based on MPlayer, the popular GPL player.
Dziobas Rar Player can also be used to check video quality and preview video files before downloading all the parts, the software is based on MPlayer, the popular GPL player.
Get Adobe Photoshop CS5 Amazing Content-Aware Fill Feature Now And That Too For Free
One of the most anticipated feature of upcoming Adobe Photoshop CS5 release is it's content-aware PatchMatch fill feature, however the very same feature is available in free, multi-platform, open-source graphic editor GIMP right now via Resynthesizer plugin.
Surprisingly, this free plugin has been available to GIMP users for years which Adobe Photoshop is going to release in it's upcoming major software upgrade.
Surprisingly, this free plugin has been available to GIMP users for years which Adobe Photoshop is going to release in it's upcoming major software upgrade.
Fixing Scratched CD's And DVD's
Data corruption on optical media is a common problem due to physical damage to the media like scratches, surprisingly data can still be recovered from non-readable scratched sectors on CD and DVD's using the following method.
A CD/DVD reader uses a laser beam to read the data on the disk. This laser beam crosses the protective plastic layer and reads the real recording metal layer. If the protective plastic layer is scratched, the laser will be unable to pass resulting in non-readable disc.
If somehow we manage to re-smooth this protective layer then the laser will reach the data and read it, now there are many ways we can achieve this using common household items as written below:
1). Toothpaste - Yups! toothpaste, you can use any non-gel based toothpaste for this, just put a very small amount of it on the scratched area and polish it gently using a cotton swab, sometimes the paste may cause new minor scratches but they are just superficial. Now just wash the cd using water.
2). If the above trick does not work try some metal polish like Brasso gently wiping with a soft cotton ball followed by application of Vaseline.
3). Baking Soda - make a small quantity of baking soda paste and apply using a soft cotton cloth buffing the bad scratch. Clean the baking soda before using the disc.
4). You can also try using some oil as a polishing agent this also works many times.
There could be many more daily use products which can be used to fix scratched CD/DVD media and get them working, just keep on experimenting.

If somehow we manage to re-smooth this protective layer then the laser will reach the data and read it, now there are many ways we can achieve this using common household items as written below:
1). Toothpaste - Yups! toothpaste, you can use any non-gel based toothpaste for this, just put a very small amount of it on the scratched area and polish it gently using a cotton swab, sometimes the paste may cause new minor scratches but they are just superficial. Now just wash the cd using water.
2). If the above trick does not work try some metal polish like Brasso gently wiping with a soft cotton ball followed by application of Vaseline.
3). Baking Soda - make a small quantity of baking soda paste and apply using a soft cotton cloth buffing the bad scratch. Clean the baking soda before using the disc.
4). You can also try using some oil as a polishing agent this also works many times.
There could be many more daily use products which can be used to fix scratched CD/DVD media and get them working, just keep on experimenting.
Accelerate Video Loading for site Youtube & Metacafe
Speedbit - the makers of popular software "Download Accelerator Plus (DAP)" have came up with an interesting free software to speedup video loading of 60+ popular video websites like YouTube & MetaCafe, The new offering named SpeedBit Video Accelerator makes your videos stream faster and play smoother by reducing buffering problems and video interruptions or "hiccups".
The software assigns a proxy to your web browser and all connections to the video are routed through SpeedBit servers, utilizing multiple connections resulting in videos without breaks and pauses.
Download Software
The software assigns a proxy to your web browser and all connections to the video are routed through SpeedBit servers, utilizing multiple connections resulting in videos without breaks and pauses.
Download Software
Unlimited Free Licenses Of EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Worth $69.95
EASEUS is a well-known brand specializing in easy to use data-recovery and backup software development, few days ago they did an exclusive promo with our blog giving away unlimited free licenses of Partition Table Doctor utility to our readers - now we have another promotional giveaway of unlimited free licenses of EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard V 5.0.1 worth $69.95 for our blog readers.
The newest version EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard V 5.0.1 supports advanced data recovery from Hard-disks, RAID's, USB drives, memory cards etc. allowing users to get back their deleted files or lost data due to partition loss or damage done because of software crash, virus infection, unexpected shutdown or any other unknown reasons.
EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard V 5.0.1 Features :
# Recover deleted or lost files emptied from the Recycle Bin.
# File recovery after accidental format, even if you have reinstalled Windows.
# Disk recovery after a hard disk crash.
# Get back files after a partitioning error.
# Get data back from RAW hard drives.
# Recover office document, photo, image, video, music, email, etc.
# Recover from hard drive, USB drive, memory card, memory stick, camera card, Zip, floppy disk or other storage media.
# Support FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS/NTFS5 file systems.
# New! Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/Windows 7.
# Bootable media based on WinPE.
# High quality of file recovery.
You can download the fully functional retail version (does not require registration) legally from the link provided below (we were asked not to link directly to avoid server load so it's uploaded on Rapidshare), as the previous giveaway we are not limiting the downloads or asking you to do anything to get it but if you are downloading please do leave a comment thanking EASEUS for the giveaway once again.
Download Software
GooglePasswordDecryptor - Reveal Saved Passwords From Google Talk, Picassa, Desktop Search, Gmail Notifier, IE And Chrome
Revealing saved passwords behind asterisks from Web-browsers requires use of a simple javascript bookmarklet, but if you happen to have saved account passwords inside desktop software like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Google Talk, Picassa, Google Desktop Search or Gmail Notifier you can now retrieve the saved username/password combination in a single-click using free GooglePasswordDecryptor utility.
Security expert Nagareshwar Talekar's created this awesome utility which takes care of decrypting stored passwords from private encrypted store of these applications allowing users to retrieve saved passwords from multiple accounts with a single-click.
Once retrieved users can export the recovered passwords to HTML or TEXT format for future use, the utility is compatible with Windows XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7
Download Software
Security expert Nagareshwar Talekar's created this awesome utility which takes care of decrypting stored passwords from private encrypted store of these applications allowing users to retrieve saved passwords from multiple accounts with a single-click.
Once retrieved users can export the recovered passwords to HTML or TEXT format for future use, the utility is compatible with Windows XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7
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Tera Copy Pro
TeraCopy is a must-have free replacement for default Windows copy/move operations, providing a much easier and faster way to copy/move files with advanced features not provided by Windows.
Major advantages of using TeraCopy:
Download Tera Copy
Major advantages of using TeraCopy:
- Copy files faster using dynamically adjusted buffers reducing overall seek times.
- Using TeraCopy you can simply pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and Resume with a single click.
- In case of a copy error, Unlike Windows TeraCopy will try several times and if not successful just skips the file without terminating the entire transfer.
- Convenient Windows Explorer integration offering easy access to last used copy/move destinations for faster copying.
Download Tera Copy
Mendapatkan Dolar dari MyEasyTask

Saat ini saya membagikan satu program penghasil dolar lagi yang cukup mudah anda lakukan yaitu MyEasyTask. MyEasyTask adalah sebuah program mencari uang di internet dengan cara mengerjakan beberapa task atau job yang sangat mudah dilakukan. 1 job yang anda selesaikan bernilai antara $0,1 sampai $0,4. Kabat gembiranya adalah ada ratusan task yang bisa anda lakukan setiap hari. Bayangkan berapa dolar yang bisa anda dapatkan. Dalam sehari anda bisa memperoleh $5 hingga $10 bahkan lebih.
TIPS PENTING : Setelah terdaftar, segera selesaikan semua task / job yang available dalam 1 hari, anda sudah bisa memperoleh 10 – 15 dolar dalam 1 hari…. Account balance anda akan masuk setelah task anda di review dan dinyatakan sah..Setelah itu, segera lakukan payout dan dolar akan dikirim tiap tanggal 15 bulan berikutnya
. Ok??
Berikut ini langkah – langkah yang perlu anda lakukan untuk memperoleh ratusan dolar dari MyEasyTask :
2. Klik Sign Up
3. Masukkan alamat email anda dan klik submit
Masukkan alamat email anda
4. Anda memperoleh sebuah email dari myeasytask, klik link yang ada di email tersebut
Klik Link Di Email Anda
5. Silahkan mendaftar dan isikan data yang diperlukan
6. Setelah terdaftar, anda akan memperoleh email bahwa anda sudah terdaftar
Anda Sudah Terdaftar
7. Setelah itu silahkan Login ke easytask
8. Anda sudah bisa memulai mencari dolar dengan mudah, klik available task
Klik Available Task
9. akan muncul ratusan job – job yang masing – masing job bisa anda selesaikan kurang dari 5 menit dan anda akan dibayar $0,1 hingga $0,4 per job.
Pilih job yang ingin anda kerjakan
10. Jika dolar anda sudah terkumpul minimal $10, anda bisa melakukan payout dengan klik Request Payout.
Request Payout Anda setelah Minimal $10
Jika anda menyelesaikan job – job ini sampai tuntas setiap harinya..dalam waktu singkat $100 akan anda dapatkan.
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